dc.description |
The Norwegian Sign Language Corpus is a collection of four datasets, collected at different times and for different projects:
-- The first dataset was collected as part of a doctoral research project in 2007 (Halvorsen, 2012).
-- The second dataset was collected in 2015 as part of a pilot Norwegian Sign Language Corpus project.
-- The third dataset was collected 2017-2018 for a project investigating visual perspective in spatial language.
--The fourth dataset is currently being collected (2019-2024) with the aim of establishing a larger and more representative corpus for Norwegian Sign Language, in order to investigate the semiotic diversity of signed interactions.
Currently, the first three datasets are archived in CLARINO as four items according to project and license:
--Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Halvorsen (2012) https://repo.clarino.uib.no/xmlui/handle/11509/141
--Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Depicting Perspective
--Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Pilot Corpus (Narratives, Monologues)
--Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Pilot Corpus (Conversations)
Each deposit contains data in the form of video-recordings and metadata files. These video-recordings are being annotated in ELAN according to the Norwegian Corpus Annotation Guidelines. Annotated ELAN files are archived elsewhere (see project publications for details). See the Corpus project’s website for additional information and details. For other questions or to receive a current version of the annotation guidelines, please contact the Corpus manager (currently Lindsay Ferrara, NTNU).
Specific summary for this dataset: Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Depicting Perspective License: CLARIN RES (CLARIN RES+PLAN+BY+NC+INF+PRIV+NORED+ND)
*This dataset comes with a CLARIN restricted license that contains a number of conditions. See the file ‘DPNTS_LicenseRestrictions.rtf’ for full details. This license requires that a research plan be submitted to the Corpus manager explaining how the data will be used. By accepting this license, you are stating that you have received access permission from the Corpus manager. Please also note that this content is available for non-commercial purposes only.
**Some data in this dataset come with additional restrictions and are thus not included in the archived data here. Please contact the corpus manager to request access to these files.
This dataset was collected as a follow-up to a project on L2 signing (Ferrara & Nilsson, 2017; Ferrara, 2019). The focus of this new project was on how signers establish and maintain different visual perspectives (see Ferrara & Ringsø 2019 for initial findings from the project). Data collection was carried out in three Norwegian cities (Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim) and involved 21 young and middle-age deaf signers. The deaf participants were recruited through personal and professional networks and they were recorded in conversational settings with one or two other interlocutors. Each conversation involved one interlocutor from the project team. In some cases, this interlocutor was a hearing, native signer, while in others it was a deaf native deaf signer. While the conversations were to be as naturalistic as possible, the interlocutor who was a part of the project team was to leverage any opportunities that arose to talk about topics with spatial relevance. Each session began with information about the project, after which the participants filled in a background questionnaire and signed a consent form. Then, each video-recorded conversation lasted approximately 30-40 minutes. Depending on the number of participants and the space available, between 1-2 cameras was used. In total, 13 conversations lasting 7.5 hours were video recorded.
Ferrara, L. (2019). Coordinating signs and eyegaze in the depiction of directions and spatial scenes by fluent and L2 signers of Norwegian Sign Language. Spatial Cognition and Computation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 9(3), 220-251. https://doi.org/10.1080/13875868.2019.1572151
Ferrara, L., & Nilsson, A.-L. (2017). Describing spatial layouts as an M2 signed language learner. Sign Language and Linguistics, 20(1), 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1075/sll.20.1.01fer
Ferrara, L., & Ringsø, T. (2019). Spatial vantage points in Norwegian Sign Language. Open Linguistics, 5, 583-600. https://doi.org/10.1515/opli-2019-0032 |