dc.contributor.author | Ferrara, Lindsay |
dc.contributor.author | Halvorsen, Rolf PIene |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-10-15T11:16:34Z |
dc.date.available | 2021-10-15T11:16:34Z |
dc.date.issued | 2021-10-07 |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/11509/141 |
dc.description | The Norwegian Sign Language Corpus is a collection of four datasets, collected at different times and for different projects: – The first dataset was collected as part of a doctoral research project in 2007 (Halvorsen, 2012). – The second dataset was collected in 2015 as part of a pilot Norwegian Sign Language Corpus project. – The third dataset was collected 2017-2018 for a project investigating visual perspective in spatial language. – The fourth dataset is currently being collected (2019-2024) with the aim of establishing a larger and more representative corpus for Norwegian Sign Language, in order to investigate the semiotic diversity of signed interactions. Currently, the first three datasets are archived in CLARINO as four items according to project and license: – Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Halvorsen (2012) – Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Depicting Perspective https://repo.clarino.uib.no/xmlui/handle/11509/144 – Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Pilot Corpus (Narratives, Monologues) – Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Pilot Corpus (Conversations) Each deposit contains data in the form of video-recordings and metadata files. These video-recordings are being annotated in ELAN according to the Norwegian Corpus Annotation Guidelines. Annotated ELAN files are archived elsewhere (see project publications for details). See the Corpus project’s website for additional information and details. For other questions or to receive a current version of the annotation guidelines, please contact the Corpus manager (currently Lindsay Ferrara, NTNU). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specific summary for this dataset: Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Halvorsen (2012) License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ The data was collected in 2007 for the purposes of a doctoral research project about boundary markers in Norwegian Sign Language (Halvorsen, 2012). Four signers were filmed: two men and two women, both young and old. They are all deaf with deaf parents, siblings, or other family members. They live in central Eastern Norway, and all have gone to the deaf school in the area. The signers were asked to retell a children’s picture book entitled “Frog, Where Are You?” (Mayer, 1969) and also respond to the question “What happened on 9/11 and what did you do?” Video recordings of the signers were made in a studio, and sessions were led by a deaf adult man who is an L1 signers of Norwegian Sign Language. No other people were present during the recordings. In total, there are eight video clips totaling about 18 minutes. --------------------- Dataene ble samlet som materiale til en Ph.D.-studie av grensemarkører i norsk tegnspråk (Halvorsen, 2012). Det er fire deltakere, to menn og to kvinner, alder: unge og eldre. Alle er døve med døve foreldre, søsken og øvrig familie som er døve. Deltakere er fra det sentrale Østlandet. Alle har gått på døveskole i det samme området. Deltakerne gjenfortalte bildefortellingen «Frog, where are you?» (Mayer, 1969) og svarte på spørsmålet «Hva skjedde 11. september og hva gjorde du?». Opptakene ble gjort i et studio og ledet av en voksen, døv mann med norsk tegnspråk som sitt førstespråk. Andre var ikke tilstede under opptakene. Det er åtte fortellinger på til sammen i underkant av 20 minutter. |
dc.language.iso | sgn-NO |
dc.publisher | Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU |
dc.rights | Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) |
dc.rights.uri | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ |
dc.rights.label | CC |
dc.source.uri | https://www.ntnu.no/isl/norsk-tegnsprakokologi |
dc.subject | Norwegian Sign Language |
dc.subject | norsk tegnspråk |
dc.subject | Fortelling |
dc.subject | Narrative |
dc.title | Norwegian Sign Language Corpus - Halvorsen (2012) |
dc.type | corpus |
metashare.ResourceInfo#ContentInfo.mediaType | video |
has.files | yes |
branding | Clarino |
contact.person | Lindsay Ferrara lindsay.n.ferrara@ntnu.no Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU |
sponsor | Norges forskningsråd 287067 Språkbruk i det norske døvemiljøet: et dypdykk i norsk tegnspråkøkologi nationalFunds |
size.info | 118M bytes |
size.info | 18 minutes |
files.size | 118321313 |
files.count | 9 |
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
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- Name
- RPH12_ES_11SepUSA2.mp4
- Size
- 8.31 MB
- Format
- MPEG video
- Description
- Signer ES responds to question "What happened on 9/11 and what did you do?"

- Name
- RPH12_ES_Frosk2.mp4
- Size
- 20.47 MB
- Format
- MPEG video
- Description
- Signer ES re-tells "Frog, Where Are You?"

- Name
- RPH12_FF_11SepUSA4.mp4
- Size
- 7.65 MB
- Format
- MPEG video
- Description
- Signer FF responds to question "What happened on 9/11 and what did you do?"

- Name
- RPH12_FF_Frosk4.mp4
- Size
- 11.71 MB
- Format
- MPEG video
- Description
- Signer FF re-tells "Frog, Where Are You?"

- Name
- RPH12_PS_11SepUSA3.mp4
- Size
- 5.13 MB
- Format
- MPEG video
- Description
- Signer PS responds to question "What happened on 9/11 and what did you do?"

- Name
- RPH12_PS_Frosk3.mp4
- Size
- 13.14 MB
- Format
- MPEG video
- Description
- Signer PS re-tells "Frog, Where Are You?"

- Name
- RPH12_TH2_11SepUSA1b.mp4
- Size
- 4.79 MB
- Format
- MPEG video
- Description
- Signer TH2 responds to question "What happened on 9/11 and what did you do?"

- Name
- RPH12_TH2_Frosk1b.mp4
- Size
- 41.64 MB
- Format
- MPEG video
- Description
- Signer TH2 re-tells "Frog, Where Are You?"

- Name
- KNTS_Halvorsen_2012_SignerMetadata.csv
- Size
- 1.26 KB
- Format
- Text file
- Description
- Demographic information about the signers